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How can I be successful in an online class?

Students learning online have greater responsibility for their own success than students in traditional classroom settings. As an online students, it is important that you have the self-discipline and self-motivation to work on a flexible schedule and not get behind. Persistence and willingness to work collaboratively in an online environment are also requirements.

Good written communication skills and a minimum level of technological experience are necessary. You will need to be comfortable using email, the Internet, and a variety of software packages.

What kind of credit do I earn by completing one of these courses successfully?

Normally, one high school credit. This credit will appear on your high school transcript.

All of the online courses count in both GPA and rank for high school students. Middle school students taking high school courses will receive high school credit; however, the grade will not be included in the student's GPA.

If you fail a course or drop out of a course after the ten-day allowed drop period, an F will be recorded on your high school transcript. Additionally, you will not be allowed to take another online course during the regular school year.

Who are the course vendors?

APEX, Burke Canvas, NCSSM (North Carolina School of Science and Math), NCVPS (North Carolina Virtual Public Schools), and WPCC (Western Piedmont Community College)

How does an online class work?

In an online course, students learn by reading, writing, and performing other learning activities designed by the instructor. Online students "attend" class by accessing the "Learning Management System" and completing assignments according to the class schedule. Students are expected to communicate regularly with the instructor and participate in class assignments.

Can I take any course online?

No. You can take courses online that are NOT offered at the school. Exceptions can be made due to a schedule conflict for required courses.

What are the fees for online courses during the school year?

Online Courses are provided at no charge to students.

When does my class start?

Course start dates vary with the course vendor. Please reference vendor specific information from the vendor page.

What if I decide the online course is not for me?

You have ten school days to drop an online course. After ten days, you are required to stay in the course.

Do online courses have textbook requirements?

Yes, some online courses require textbooks that are not available at the school. Students would need to purchase the required textbooks. Please reference vendor specific information from the vendor page.