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ESL Implementation Timeline Resource

Resource Links Notes: 1st-9 Weeks 2nd-9 Weeks 3rd-9 Weeks 4th-9 Weeks Summer
Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April May June July
Home Language Survey Home Language Survey-English All new students enrolled to Burke County must complete the HLS form. An ESL teacher must sign off of the HLS. For digital enrollments, you will receive a triggered email from PowerSchool Enrollment if they enter a language other than English. Place the original HLS in the cumulative folder and a copy in the ESL red folder. Establish a procedure with your front office/school enrollment process to identify students who need to be tested with WIDA Screener.
Home Language Survey-Spanish
Home Language Survey-Hmong
LIEP Language Instruction Educational Program Services Place your ELs according to the criteria into one of the following groups (intensive, moderate, collaborative, remedial/guidance) to determine what services will be needed.
LIEP Cont'd. LIEP Classifications for K-8 Intensive, Moderate, Collaborative, and Guidance Based on ACCESS 2022; locate your school's spreadsheet in the folder. I have already shared these spreadsheets with you last spring.
ESL Schedule ESL Schedule Template The link will prompt you to make a copy. If you prefer to use your own schedule, schedules must have:
Time of service, grade, list of students (includes students on guidance and monitored former ELs), curriculum used, supplementary materials used, duration, type of service and what subject/activity students are pulled from, and collaboration
Schedules need to be submitted to the ESL office (all ESL teachers) and the school principal (except high school ESL teachers)
Annual Service Placement Letter for Students with ACCESS Scores Annual Service Letters - English Notify parents of all EL students' participation in the ESL program. Send home the English and Spanish/Hmong letters.
Annual Service Letters - Spanish
Annual Service Letters - Hmong
Decline of ESL Services Decline of ESL Service Form-English If a parent responds back and does not want their child to receive ESL services, they must sign the decline of ESL service form.
Decline of ESL Service Form-Spanish
Decline of ESL Service Form-Hmong
ACCESS Accommodations for EC-ELs EL/EC ACCESS Accommodations 2022-23 To be updated; it currently has last year's EL-EC students & accommodations they received on ACCESS in 2021-22. You will review and make comments as to desired changes or new students. *Reviw your school tab that contains the list of EC-ELs; End date of IEPs & last year's mods needed on ACCESS. Insert Comments if you need changes or need students added.
*Mark your calendar to attend EC-ELs' parent meetings (make sure correct tests and mods are selected)
*Check ACCESS mods in ECATs before ACCESS testing
Can-Do Descriptor Class Profile; links prompt you to make a copy; WIDA 2020 Standards/ACCESS/Can Do/Strategies Slides for Faculty Mtg. or Grade Level Mtgs. Pre-K to Kindergarten used for 1st graders Provide copy of Individual Student Report and Can-Do descriptor Class Profile for grade level clusters.

Join in a faculty meeting to present can-do descriptors/WIDA Standards to teachers or hold grade-level meetings.
Remember to get faculty signatures (grade-level meetings) or a copy of the faculty sign-in sheet Turn into ESL Office This is also the time to share EL Action Plans and collect signatures. See rows 39-40 for Action Plan links.
1st-2nd Grade used for 2nd and 3rd graders
3rd-5th Grade used for 4th-6th graders
6th-8th Grade used for 7th-9th graders
9th-12th Grade used for 10th-12th graders
Slides for WIDA Standards; EL Action Plans; Can Dos; Strategies Updated for New Standards Framework
PowerSchool Make sure you have school administrator LEP rights so that you can see ALL ELs, not just the ones you teach.
Language Goals Language Goal Template (Google Slide) *Set language goals with secondary ELs whom you serve; You may want to set language goals with your upper elementary students. It is up to you. Place in each ELs digital portfolio folder. Review language goals with your student at the end of 1st & 2nd semester.
NEW: Student Portfolios Based on Key Language Uses Kindergarten Create a Google folder for each student OR the ESL Office will provide manilla folders or notebooks at your request. This contains your guide to collecting work samples based on key language uses across the grade bands:Kindergarten; First Grade; Grades 2-3; Grades 4-5; Grades 6-8; Grades 9-12.

Put dated writing samples, exit tickets, recording of student reading, Flipgrid responses, graphic organizers, etc. in EL Student digital portfolio.
Grade 1
Grades 2-3
Grades 4-5
Grades 6-8
Grades 9-12
WIDA Screener Kindergarten Paper-Based Test Kinder-1st Sem 1st Grade Request Paper WIDA Screener Kinder-1st Sem. 1st Gr. Tests from the ESL Office if you run out. *Test newly enrolled Kinders and 1st semester 1st graders within 30 days from enrollment date at the beginning of the year & 14 days from enrollment date throughout the rest of the school year to determine English Learner Status
*Send parent notification of WIDA Screener scores.
WIDA Screener Online Test
2nd Sem 1st Grade-12th Grade
Set up Screener Tests in WIDA-AMS; for grades 1-3, use WIDA Screener paper-based writing test; request from ESL Office if you need more tests. *Test any newly enrolled students grades 2nd Sem. 1st Grade - 12th Grade from non-WIDA states or other countries within 30 days from enrollment date at the beginning of the year & 14 days from enrollment date throughout the rest of the school year to determine English Learner Status
*Send parent notification of Screener scores.
Parent Letters to go with WIDA Screener Kindergarten or WIDA Screener test results: Parent Letters Parent Notification of Screener Letter-English Classified Current EL
Parent Notification of Screener Letter-Spanish
Parent Notification of WIDA Screener Letter-Hmong
Never EL Parent Letter-English Classified Never EL
Never EL Parent Letter-Spanish
Never EL Parent Letter-Hmong
Pre-K Testing The ESL Office will handle PreK testing. *Send HLS of students to be tested to the ESL office.
*Send parent notification of Woodcock-Munoz test scores.
EL Accommodations Charts Blank EL Accommodations Chart (pdf) for your reference *Determine state testing accommodations for EL students for 2022-23
(Must score <5.0 Reading on most recent ACESS/WIDA Screener)
*Complete one for all ELs in grades 3-12.
-High School (Complete one for each semester. Due Sept. & Jan.)
-Share back digital EL Accommodations Google Spreadsheets to ESL office.
-Lia will print papter sets of your Accommodations on request.
-Send one set to your Testing Coordinator.
-Send one to the classroom teacher(s).
Digital EL Accommodations Chart with Review of Accommodations
(Google Sheet~ there will be a Google Sheet for each EL w Accommodations)
  Parent Letters Parent Accommodation Letter-English * Send parent accommodations letter home once accommodations are
* *Send parent accommodations letter home if accommodations are
changed/new students are added or for High School 2nd semester
***Ensure accommodations are in place for end of year testing.
* ** ***
Parent Accommodation Letter-Spanish * ** ***
Parent Accommodation Letter-Hmong * ** ***
Refusal of testing Accommodation-ENG *Send to parent if student refuses to use accommodations.
Refusal of testing Accommodation-SPA
EL Action Plan Blank EL Action Plan 2021-22 PDF for your reference (still the same form for 2022-23) *Send a copy/reshare digital Action Plans for all ELs to ESL Office.
*Paper Copy in Red Folder.
*Paper Copy to classroom teachers.
*Due Sept. 30th
EL Digital Action Plans *Click on your school(s) to get to your folder. Add missing information; Complete action plans
Monitored Former ELs MFELs Schedule Review Yr. 1-4 exited ELs' grades. Meet with teachers. Provide interventions if needed.
Monitored Former EL (MFEL) Monitoring Form for your reference The ESL office will share the school folder with you (MFELs' Forms, Quick Lookup Grades).
October 1 Headcount ESL office will send a spreadsheet. ESL Office will send a spreadsheet for you to verify.
*Check the spreadsheet and note any withdrawn/add missing ELs.
*Date and sign spreadsheet & return to the ESL Office
Immigrant Headcount ESL office will send a spreadsheet. Verify immigrant headcount and send to the ESL office.
Tier Placement for Alternate ACCESS test ESL Office will notify you if you have Alt. ACCESS testers Verify tier placement for Alternate ACCESS test/any student who meets the 3 criteria for Alt. ACCESS: Score < 2 overall on most recent ACCESS/Screener; on extended content standards; has significant cognitive disability.
Parent-Teacher Conferences ACCESS Parent Meetings Meet with parents. (*Remember to have a parent-sign in sheet)
Inform Parents with ELs' ACCESS Scores and EL Services; or you may schedule when you would like.
Parental/Community Involvement Send agendas & documents to verify promotion of parental/community involvement
Reclassification Parent Reclassification Letter-ENG We have all year to reclassify a student.
These are case by case scenarios.
Parent Reclassification Letter-SPA Reclassification is for exited students who still struggle mightily and you are convinced it is still language; you must clear with ESL Office before testing
Parent Reclassification Letter-Hmong
Retention Consult with teachers of elementary ELs recommended for retention.
ACCESS ACCESS Training: Jan 18 & 19, 2023 ACCESS training on two consecutive afternoons; some prework will be needed
ACCESS Testing Schedule: Sample Send ACCESS Testing Schedule to the ESL office
ACCESS Testing Parent Notification-ENG
ACCESS Testing Parent Notification-SPA
ACCESS Testing Parent Notification-HMG
ACCESS Testing Window January 23 - March 10, 2023
High School Hand-Schedules Hand-schedule ELs in high school classes; ESL office schedules incoming 9th graders
Word-to-Word Dictionaries Ensure your inventory of bilingual word-to-word dictionaries matches the # of ELs that you checked bilingual dictionary on their pink EL Accommodations Charts
Parent Survey Parent Survey Google Form to come Send home in backpacks (take home Tuesday Folders); table at Spring Flings. Upper grades: Give to 1st Period or Homeroom teachers for students to take home with a note to return to ESL box (if completing paper surveys).
Parent Survey Letter to come
EL Parent Task Force TBA The ESL Office will hold this meeting.
Title III Status Meeting 3-16-23 Teacher input on development of the Title III Grant
EL PD Faculty Grade-Level Department Meeting Google Survey ESL Department will send form.
Complete form and submit dates and signatures of meetings.
2023 ACCESS Results Pick up 2023 ACCESS individual student reports and parent letters to send home. ESL office will email you when it is ready.
  Parent Letters for Exited Students Exit Letter from Spring 2023 ACCESS-ENG Send home parent letters for ELs who exited based on their 2023 ACCESS scores.
Exit Letter from Spring 2023 ACCESS-SPA
Exit Letter from Spring 2023 ACCESS-HMG
Parent ACCESS Score Letter-English Send home parent letters regarding ACCESS score reports. Include the Individual Student Report that you will receive from the ESL Office. We will also include a handout, ACCESS ScoreReports Parent Guide written in the student's home language. We will have all of these ready for you. All of the applicable letters (may or may not have an exit letter) will go home in an envelope (we provide) in the backpack or we will mail if needed.
Parent ACCESS Score Letter-Spanish
Parent ACCESS Score Letter-Hmong
Annual Score Analysis Meeting 6/12/2023 Receive spiral bound notebooks/digital notebooks.
End of Year Red Folder Transition Meetings 6/12/2023 Transition for grades 5 & 8
Bring red folders (current, exited, & never)
Include student sample work
Make sure all red folders are up to date (check checklist in red folder)
Red Folders Red Folder Checklist Make sure all red folders are up to date (check checklist in red folder), Complete Student Information Sheet & Contact Log for the year.
Send ALL MOVED (includes Never, Current, Exited) red folders to the ESL office; The ESL office will send red folders to the correct school