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Jacquie Grady

Jacquie Grady

Preschool and Kindergarten Transition Coordinator

Kimberly Smith

Administrative Assistant

We Believe that a child's intellectual, social/emotional, and physical well-being begins prior to birth and that the first five years of a child's life sets the stage for optimum development.

We Believe that each child develops at an individual rate and that all children should be provided opportunities to develop their uniqueness and to reach their maximum potential.

We Believe that parents are their child's first and most important teacher.

We Believe that all families have strengths and that the methods used to support families should build on these strengths.

We Believe in providing opportunities for families to establish a networking system that enhances communication between parents and between parents and staff.

We Believe that effective work with families includes mobilizing community resources and creating opportunities that increase the communities' awareness of family needs and increase families' awareness of community resources.

Our 5 star rated, full day programs are located in every elementary school.  The goal of our blended learning approach is to provide an integrated learning experience in an inclusive setting.  Our classrooms provide children with an opportunity to develop strong language, play, and social skills.  Each classroom is staffed with a certified teacher and highly qualified teacher assistant. 

Pre-K Funding Options

  • NC Pre-K is an option for children who are four years old by August 31st of the current school year.  Acceptance is based on income eligibility and other criteria. 
  • Vouchers through the Department of Social Services and Child Care Connections are accepted for families that do not meet NC Pre-K criteria. 
  • Private Pay is also available for three and four year children, with priority going to four year olds.

Application will be available soon!

STEPS Academy

STEPS (Strategically Teaching and Engaging Preschool Students) Academy is a jointly funded program with Burke County Schools and Smart Start.  At STEPS Academy, we offer classes that are 2.5 hours/2 days per week.  Subject to availability, students may begin any time during the school year as soon as they turn 3.  This program is offered for FREE of charge to students who reside in Burke County and not currently enrolled in any other preschool program or childcare.

Classrooms are located at Forest Hill Elementary, Hildebran Elementary, and Mountain View Elementary.

Exceptional Children Preschool Services

We believe that early identification of potential learning problems may prevent or alleviate future problems. Our program recognizes and stresses the importance of family involvement with open communication between parents and staff. Our services are available to preschool children ages 3 to 5 who are eligible under IDEA, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. 

For more information, please contact Kim Smith at 828-433-6030 ext. 4577