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Keith Lawson

Keith Lawson

Finance Officer

Michelle Myers

Assistant Finance Officer, Federal Funds

 Important Notice
Burke County Public Schools, as well as many districts across the state, have been deluged with fraudulent requests to change employees' direct deposit information. Initially the fraudulent requests were identifiable by imposter email addresses. However, recent attempts have included a legitimate email address and even a copy of a VOIDed check. At this point all appears to be legitimate but in fact the requests are not.
As a result, it is necessary going forward that all requests to change direct deposit information be presented in person to a payroll representative at the Central Office. We apologize for this inconvenience but find it necessary to insure your hard earned money arrives safe and secure.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Travel Reimbursement Notice:  Effective January 1, 2024 the travel reimbursement rate changed from 65.5 cents to 67 cents per mile.  This is in accordance with the allowable IRS reimbursement rate.  If you maintain paper copies of the reimbursement or your own electronic copies, please discard.  Click this link below to access the revised form.  Also, please note the 30 day rule at the bottom of the form and any remittances outside that timeframe will be denied.  We still require detailed receipts for meal reimbursements up to the state maximum per meal amount.
Travel Reimbursement Form

Travel Reimbursements  All travel reports are due within 30 days following the end of the month being reported.  Submit signed and approved reports to the Finance Department on or before the 10th of the month. Auditors require original signatures for both the employee and supervisor.
Incorrectly signed or completed reports received in Finance by the 10th may result in delay of payment, possibly until the next month’s travel payment process. Local travel reports should be completed on a calendar month basis and will be paid on or near the 15th of the month. Submissions older than 30 days will be denied
Local travel reports received correctly and within the 30 days, but after the 10thare subject to be held for payment until the next month’s 15th travel payment process.
Additionally, due to external auditors’ requirements, detailed, itemized receipts are required for meal reimbursements for the State Reimbursement travel or SEA System reimbursement request forms.  Please refer to State Travel Guidelines on the BCPS website for further details on meal reimbursements.
State Reimbursement travel and SEA System forms are not included in the 15thpayment process with local travel, but can be paid throughout the month.  However, the 30 day rule does still apply to these forms as well.                            

Note:  You are not reimbursed for traveling from home to an initial duty station for the day even if it is not your regular workplace assignment.  Departing from your last duty station to travel home/personal destination is not reimbursable.