Beginning Teachers Support Program
We are so excited that you have chosen to teach in Burke County Public Schools. Together we will #IgniteLearningBCPS! BCPS is committed to the success of each beginning teacher. The BCPS Beginning Teacher Support Program assists novice teachers (Teachers with a Standard Professional (SP) 1 License) in meeting qualifications leading to a Standard Professional (SP) 2 License. Part of the assistance provided by BCPS during the required three-year support program includes initial orientation, on-site mentors, a teacher buddy, professional development, and collaboration with teacher leaders. Administrators, the Beginning Teacher Support Coordinator, and Instructional Coaches partner with beginning teachers and mentors for a cohesive system of support.
Starting the school year off on a positive note is very important. Your principal and mentor will be available to assist in setting up your classroom and preparing for the important first day of school. District administrators, building administrators and teacher leaders will make frequent classroom visits throughout the year to support with teaching techniques. In order to complete the BTSP, Beginning Teachers must attend orientation, teach successfully for three years, attend required professional development and BT meetings, successfully complete necessary coursework for certification, achieve the rating of Proficient or higher (Accomplished or Distinguished) on all five NC 21st Century Teaching Standards by the final third year summative evaluation, and be recommended for an SP2 License. It sounds like a daunting task, but we are here to support you through it.
North Carolina Educator Preparation Standards
Use the BCPS Beginning Teacher website to find and explore information regarding North Carolina State Law regarding Beginning Teacher Support Programs; resources for your classroom, and more! Feel free to contact me if I can support you in any way.